Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Final Pictures of Om Shanti

We left Bali yesterday, saying farewell to our dear friends and to our beautiful new building. Having put our heart and soul into this place, and sharing the experience with so many Balinese friends, we feel a deep connection with it. 

We have named the building Om Shanti. Om embodies the essence of all that is and represents our connection to this essence and to one another. Shanti means peace. I know I feel total peace when I am sitting under the alang-alang roof. And I feel connected to all other beings when I sit in meditation and connect to the source of life.
 My dream was to create a place that would help myself and others to connect with the deeper part of themselves. My desire is that Om Shanti will promote peace within each heart and bring healing and wholeness to our souls.

Before leaving, I took some final pictures. Of course there are still many small jobs to be done, which we have left in the capable hands of Nengah and Iluh. Both have been quite amazing in their dedication and commitment to the project.

The Scandinavian designed stairs leading up to the mezzanine floor. The main bedroom on the left and the second toilet on the right.

Open space looking over the Bali Sea. We put some bamboo screens on the Eastern side to block out the hot morning sun. 

 The entrance to the open deck area with bamboo screens down. In the background is the separate kitchen. Above this is the solar hot water system (barely visible) and the water tank.

 Georgeous Iluh. I am so grateful to her and Nengah for all that they have done, making it possible for me to create my dream in Bali.

Nengah reading recipes (with Iluh helping with English) from a Women's Weekly magazine we brought from Australia!


                                 Front view of Om Shanti.


And from further down the land with the new temple standing guard..... 

The large outdoor shower with views to the sea.

Looking from the shower toward the door leading inside (to a toilet/hand basin and another door into the bedroom). At night, the clear starry sky is exposed. What a place to cleanse and release before going to bed!

And now I leave you with my favourite photo, taken by my sister from the mezzanine floor at sunrise as we were about to do yoga and meditate. Ah, the simple pleasures of nature! Always on display, revealing her beauty and wonder if we are just awake enough to notice!

                                May peace reign in Bali.
                             May peace reign in the world.
                             My peace reign in each of our hearts.

 My sister Carol (on the right) and I just before leaving for the airport. Her flight was one hour before mine and we each left for opposite ends of the world; me to Australia; her to Canada. Sharing the process of creating my dream in Bali with my sister was wonderful. She has been my cheering partner, helping me overcome obstacles and fears on this part of my journey. Thanks Carol!


Dreams do come true! If you want to know how to create your dreams, I will be facilitating a workshop at Om Shanti on this very topic in April 2012! Please check my website for more details!

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